Kieran Read Leadership Course

Kieran Read Leadership Course
The Kieran Read Leadership Course is designed to assist you and your team in all aspects of Leadership. Kieran has created the 8 pillars of Leadership that he splits into easy to learn modules. Kieran leans on all his lived experiences from his time as a leader in the All Black environment to create an easy to follow, practical course for people to use to improve themselves as a Leader. Get in touch to see if he can help your team.
Contact Kieran
Kieran Read’s 8 Pillar’s of Leadership
- Knowing Yourself
- Understanding your Team
- Looking after your Team
- Building or turning around a team culture
- Leading your Team
- Leading under Pressure
- Situational Leadership
- Decision making
What does the Kieran Read Leadership Course deliver:
- 8 pillars of Leadership
- World class Leadership training
- Aimed at top level executive teams, but relevant to anyone wanting to improve their leadership
- Works best with small groups but can deliver to a larger audience
- You choose what pillars your team needs, focus on 2 or 3 or all 8
- Can be delivered online